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EC monthly roundup

We maintain a database of extra-curricular (EC) opportunities, competitions, awards, programmes and other opportunities for intermediate & high school students, in Christchurch and nationwide.
We make this available to parents via a free monthly EC 'roundup' , which highlights upcoming EC opportunities for the month ahead. There are too many incredible opportunities that fly under the radar every year, most of which only cost students their time and energy. 
The purpose is to help connect these opportunities to parents of students who want to explore or develop a particular interest, whether it be in design, leadership, business, technology, the creatives, academic competitions, media grants & awards, and so very much more.

Join our EC mailing list

Why get involved with ECs as a school student?
ECs are an opportunity for students to:
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explore areas of budding interest/intrigue, in a risk-free environment --- or, to develop further in an area that they're already interested in.
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break out of their comfort zone, building confidence and growing other character traits.
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build an EC portfolio for the purpose of applying for university scholarships or entrance into overseas universities. Tertiary institutes recognise EC involvement ​as a badge of initiative, concientiousness, and courage.
Our focus at Trajectory Education is on achieving great results, growing academic ability, and developing solid learning habits. However, an equally (if not more) meaningful facet of a well-rounded education is getting the chance to explore areas of interest, particularly in a judgement-free setting. Most would agree that their own school experience was not defined by their classroom studies, but rather the interests and activities that they pursues extra-circularly (sports, music, competitions, etc). 
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